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What are the daily maintenance aspects of the loop resistance tester?

:2023-12-06 09:53:20:

The loop resistance tester is a special instrument used to measure the contact resistance and loop resistance of switch control equipment. In order to ensure the normal operation of the loop resistance tester and the accuracy of the measurement results, routine maintenance is very important. So, for the warranty of the circuit resistance tester, we generally carry out the following 7 items. Once completed, your circuit resistance tester can be used for a few more years!

7 steps for daily maintenance of loop resistance tester:

1. Clean the test leads of the loop resistance tester

The test lead is an essential accessory of the cyclic resistance tester and needs to be cleaned regularly. Cleaning the test lines can avoid drying out and oxide layer measurements on the test lines. When cleaning the test line, you can use a soft cloth or special detergent to wipe it.

2. Check the power supply of the loop resistance tester

Loop resistance testers require power to operate properly, so the power supply needs to be checked regularly. When checking the power supply, you need to pay attention to whether the plug of the power cord is plugged in properly, whether the power cord is damaged, whether there are traces of oxidation on the power cord, etc.

3. Check the terminals of the loop resistance tester

The terminal block is the output interface of the loop resistance tester and needs to be checked regularly. When checking the terminals, you need to pay attention to whether the terminals are loose, whether there are traces of oxidation, whether there is corrosion, etc.

4. Check the inside of the loop resistance tester instrument

The internal structure of the loop resistance tester is relatively complex and requires regular inspection. When checking the inside of the instrument, you need to pay attention to whether the circuit board is intact, whether it is dry, whether there are traces of oxidation, whether there is corrosion, etc.

5. Check the appearance of the loop resistance tester instrument

The appearance of the loop resistance tester also needs to be checked regularly. When checking the appearance of the instrument, you need to pay attention to whether the instrument is worn, scratched, corroded, etc.

6. Check the storage environment of the circuit resistance tester

The loop resistance tester needs to be stored in a dry, ventilated, and non-corrosive gas environment. Poor storage environment may cause damage to the instrument.

7. Check the usage records of the loop resistance tester

The loop resistance tester needs to record the usage, including usage time, test parameters, test results, etc. Usage records can provide a reference for the maintenance of the loop resistance tester, and can also provide a basis for troubleshooting the instrument.

Doing the above seven points can help greatly reduce the probability of failure of the loop resistance tester. If you have anything unclear when using any loop resistance tester, please feel free to call us for consultation.


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