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The "capillaries" of the power grid can "self heal" in case

:2019-10-19 10:19:32:

Fault "self-healing" is a fundamental ability for the city's distribution network to move towards intelligence. The intention is to complete uninterrupted power supply, and then improve the power supply reliability of the whole city. In recent years, many Qingdao citizens, especially those in the urban area, have significant feelings about the change of electricity consumption: sudden power outages rarely occur, and significant power supply instability such as flickering lights usually only lasts for one second. To a large extent, these problems are related to the "self-healing" ability of Qingdao distribution network. In the past, when the power supply network broke down due to a fault, the staff of the power supply company searched for the fault location manually, then blocked the fault area and recovered the non fault area for power supply. This process takes a long time, a few minutes less and several hours more. Not only the users in the fault area are unable to use electricity, but also the users in the non fault area will suffer a long-term "affected power outage". The fault "self-healing" is through the active transformation of the distribution network, which shortens the process to within one minute, which means that users in the non fault area of a line will only feel the extremely short flash of power consumption at a time, rather than "being cut off".
According to the staff of operation and inspection department of State Grid Qingdao power supply company, the power distribution network has the ability of "self-healing", involving both hardware and software transformation. In terms of hardware, according to the construction plan of Qingdao's international first-class urban power distribution network, the city's 10kV lines should be transformed from radial to ring network "handle", the city's core area should be transformed from simple ring network structure to double ring network, and real-time monitoring and control equipment such as fault indicator and active control terminal should be installed; in terms of software, data collection, analysis and judgment, and initiative should be built. The active power distribution system for control function, all 10kV line control and monitoring equipment are connected to the system. When the fault occurs, the active distribution system shall actively locate the fault area according to the fault information, confirm the fault and load transfer strategy, and remote control the corresponding switch to restore the power supply to the non fault area, so as to reduce the impact of power outage.
In addition, according to the introduction, State Grid Qingdao power supply company is also constantly enriching the operation state detection means of distribution network equipment. Using the world-class partial discharge, infrared imaging, cable intelligent guard and other live detection technologies, while ensuring the normal use of electricity by residents, the real-time control of the operation of the equipment, the risk of finding fault is repaired or replaced by live working methods in advance, to ensure the further decline of residents' perception of power failure.

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